“Disposable” doesn’t always mean flushable. Flushing wipes and paper towels can cause blockages in the sewer system and can cause sewage backups into your home, businesses and local waterways. Flushing items labeled “disposable” or “flushable” can cause big problems. They get stuck in the sewer pipes which can cause sewer overflows that can cause harm to your family, health,…
This week’s BPUB Update takes a look at respirator fit testing, something that all workers who wear a tight fitting respirator must do on an annual basis. Don’t forget to like us at or for all the latest updates.
The Brownsville Public Utilities Board (BPUB) will hold an open meeting at the Board Room at the BPUB Administration Building on Wednesday, July 15 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. to explain the Drinking Water Quality Report and discuss the city’s drinking water.
Thanks to an EPA grant, the Brownsville Public Utilities Board was able to add a water quality specialist to its Resaca Restoration Project team. Hear more about the job in this week’s BPUB Update.
Energy Conservation You have the power to save money and energy right in your own home. Increasing energy efficiency is like adding another clean energy source to our electric power grid. Water Conservation We need to save water every way we can. You can reduce your water consumption by taking just a few simple steps.…
Under limited supervision, leads and manages professional staff supporting BPUB’s Business Development, Key Accounts Marketing and Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programs. Program objectives include retention of existing Key Accounts, additional product and service sales, improved service ratings, recruitment of new large commercial, residential, and industrial developments, and promotion of energy conservation services.
Small leaks around your home can go undetected for years, and if left unnoticed, over time a small amount of wasted water starts adding up to a higher water bill. Find out how these simple steps can help you detect leaks.
The Brownsville Public Utilities Board (BPUB) will lower the water level in one portion of Resaca De La Guerra by 2 feet to accommodate repair work that must be done by a contractor for Brownsville and Rio Grande International Railway.
The Brownsville Public Utilities Board (BPUB) announces there will be a water service interruption Wednesday night from 10 p.m. until approximately 5 a.m. that will affect more than 300 customers in the area between Dockberry Road and George Saenz Lane.
Approximately 30 Brownsville Public Utilities Board (BPUB) customers at the Victoria Garden Housing Authority complex are currently without water service today due to a broken water line in the area of Grant Street and International Boulevard. BPUB crews have closed valves in the area to stop water losses and are excavating to assess the extent of a water line rupture.