“Disposable” doesn’t always mean flushable. Flushing wipes and paper towels can cause blockages in the sewer system and can cause sewage backups into your home, businesses and local waterways. Flushing items labeled “disposable” or “flushable” can cause big problems. They get stuck in the sewer pipes which can cause sewer overflows that can cause harm to your family, health,…
This week’s BPUB Update takes a look at respirator fit testing, something that all workers who wear a tight fitting respirator must do on an annual basis. Don’t forget to like us at or for all the latest updates.
Thanks to an EPA grant, the Brownsville Public Utilities Board was able to add a water quality specialist to its Resaca Restoration Project team. Hear more about the job in this week’s BPUB Update.
Small leaks around your home can go undetected for years, and if left unnoticed, over time a small amount of wasted water starts adding up to a higher water bill. Find out how these simple steps can help you detect leaks.
The City of Brownsville’s goal is to provide these tips and online resources that you can use to be prepared in case Brownsville is faced with a hurricane. We hope that this will be useful to you.
It’s something that you have to do every month: pay your bill. But did you realize how many options you have to pay your BPUB bill? In this week’s BPUB Update, we look at all the ways you can pay your bill and even teach you how to use our payment kiosks.
The Brownsville Public Utilities Board (BPUB), in partnership with the Gladys Porter Zoo, recently launched its Junior Resaca Explorers program to educate Brownsville students about resacas and the wildlife that live in them.
Ryan Greenfeld, BPUB Senior Communications and Public Relations Coordinator speaks to KURV about the Stage 1 Voluntary Water Restrictions.
The Resaca Restoration Project has received a lot of support, but the chimpanzees at Gladys Porter Zoo aren’t big fans of the divers performing the work near their island. See the fuss in this week’s BPUB Update.
How Much Could You Save? Our Water Conservation Library helps you gain a better understanding of how much water you use and how to conserve in and around your home. Start Saving Every year on May 1, the Brownsville Public Utilities Board (BPUB) implements a Stage 1 Voluntary Water Use Restriction in anticipation of the…