BPUB Presents During City Drainage Report Event
The city of Brownsville hosted a Drainage Report meeting at the central branch of the Brownsville Public Library on Jan. 27, and the Brownsville Public Utilities Board was there to give a presentation on the Resaca Restoration Project and to show support for this event.
The two sessions that were held on that day offered presentations detailing the city’s drainage system. Speakers discussed how the drainage system works, the needs and challenges facing that system, and what the city is doing to alleviate flooding conditions. In addition, residents were given tips on what they could do to prepare for a flood.
BPUB was on hand to discuss the Resaca Restoration Project and the flood control benefits that the project provides. With most of the city’s resacas filled with silt and sediment, there is little room for excess stormwater to flow. By removing that silt and sediment, BPUB is creating room in these waterways for stormwater to go during heavy rain events. This is an important step in reducing flooding in areas nears these resacas.
BPUB has the ability to lower the levels of the resacas ahead of storms. This crucial preparation will help alleviate the effects of the rain, but it also gives the opportunity to catch the rain water, which can be treated and used for drinking water if there is a need.
Event attendees were able to hear about all aspects of the Resaca Restoration Project, from the dredging in the water to the dewatering station all the way through to the bank improvements at the Cemetery Resaca. BPUB’s display included a television playing videos about the Resaca Restoration Project, so they could learn more about how the project works and hear from some of the crew who make it happen. But perhaps the most impact was felt outside the library, where the dredger used in the project was on display. The dredge operator was there to explain how the specialized boat works and to show some of the trash that has been removed from the resacas.
Dredging has already been completed at the Cemetery Resaca and Dean Porter Park Resaca, and work is now being done at Resaca Boulevard Resaca. As the Resaca Restoration Project continues to move along, more neighborhoods can benefit from the positive effects this project provides.