
Featured News

BPUB Launches Junior Resaca Explorers Program at Gladys Porter Zoo

The Brownsville Public Utilities Board (BPUB), in partnership with the Gladys Porter Zoo, recently launched its Junior Resaca Explorers program to educate Brownsville students about resacas and the wildlife that live in them.

KURV Interview on Stage 1 Voluntary Water Restrictions

Ryan Greenfeld, BPUB Senior Communications and Public Relations Coordinator speaks to KURV about the Stage 1 Voluntary Water Restrictions.

Spruce Up Your Sprinkler System and Save Water this Earth Day

Spring has arrived, and as we celebrate Earth Day this April 22, the onset of warmer weather can lead to an increase in landscape irrigation. If you’re planning on doing some landscaping this season, be sure to spruce up your irrigation system before you ramp up your watering. System maintenance can help save you a…

Expert Spotlight

BPUB periodically highlights one of our amazing Experts.

These are the people behind the operations that help thousands of people throughout Brownsville receive reliable and affordable power, water and wastewater.