BPUB Announces Temporary Road Closure, Initiates 7th Street Wastewater (Sewer line) Repairs
The Brownsville Public Utilities Board (BPUB) announces a temporary road closure on East 7th Street from Van Buren Street to Harrison Street starting Monday, Feb. 27 through Friday, March 17, 2023 to perform repairs to a section of 15-inch gravity sewer main along East 7th Street.
The construction site will affect all traffic along East 7th Street which will be detoured to Van Buren Street, 8th Street and Harrison Street. BPUB is collaborating with City of Brownsville’s Engineering Department on traffic control plan and roadway closures.
All construction dates and times are approximate, and the end date and time may vary due to the nature of weather, soil conditions and job provisions. BPUB will continue to provide updates with changes and/or revisions to the contractor’s traffic control plan and construction dates.
BPUB apologizes for any inconveniences these temporary closures and detours may cause. To learn more about road closures and detours, please visit www.brownsville-pub.com. If customers have any questions or concerns, they should call (956) 983-6100.