PUBCAP Meeting Jan. 18, 2107 Recap

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The Public Utilities Board Consumers Advisory Panel (PUBCAP) meets once a month and provides customers a forum to express community concerns. In case you didn’t get a chance to attend Wednesday’s meeting, we are putting together a recap of the topics that were covered.

Brownsville Country Club (BCC) Electric System Upgrade

One of the items discussed was the BCC Electric Project which started in mid – November 2016 to replace underground primary electrical cable. In some cases, the cable in the BCC is as much as 40 years old. Over time, these cables degrade, and this can have a direct impact on electrical service reliability in that area. Replacing the aging cable will ensure greater electrical reliability for the BCC area for years to come. You can download the complete presentation here.

BPUB Open Record Requests Processes

BPUB Records Manager, Nancy Tello gave a presentation of the Open Records Request Process. If you need more information regarding Open Records Requests for BPUB information, visit the open records section on our website.

South Wastewater Treatment Plant Odor Control Project Video

Finally, BPUB showcased a video on odor control measures added to the South Wastewater Treatment Plant facility which removes the compound primarily responsible for the odors associated with wastewater.



The next PUBCAP meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 15. Meetings are held once a month, typically the third Wednesday of each month from 5:30-7 p.m. at the BPUB Administration Building, unless otherwise specified. These meetings are open to the public.