BPUB Pushes for Infrastructure Improvements During Washington, D.C. Trip
The Brownsville Public Utilities Board (BPUB) sent four representatives to Washington, D.C., last week to push for more awareness about the infrastructure needs of BPUB and seek funding for major projects in BPUB’s service territory. The representatives included BPUB Vice Chair Joseph L. Hollmann, Ph.D., and General Manager & CEO Marilyn D. Gilbert.
Gilbert and Hollmann pushed for more awareness about the infrastructure needs of BPUB’s service territory and to seek funding for major projects. Some of the projects that BPUB discussed included the implementation of an Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) system for electric, water and wastewater customers; lessening BPUB’s dependence on the Rio Grande for its drinking water supply; and the next steps for the Resaca Restoration Project.
During the trip, BPUB representatives met with officials from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the House Subcommittee on Appropriations for Energy and Water, the Senate Subcommittee on Appropriations for Energy and Water Development as well as representatives from the offices of Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn. They also spoke directly with U.S. Rep. Vicente Gonzalez.
In addition, Gilbert and Hollmann attended two sessions with the American Public Power Association Legislative Rally and discussed eligibility of BPUB projects for energy tax provisions. They also met with the Texas Public Power Association Board members and their respective utilities’ Board members to discuss the respective legislation impacting utilities. BPUB also discussed the impact of drought in its service territory.
This trip helps BPUB gain greater awareness among lawmakers and establishes leads for potential grant funding for BPUB projects.